Second, I haven't done nothing this summer (what kind of English major are you Claire, a double negative?! Seriously?). I've actually done a considerable amount based upon the pictures I took that record these events.

That's a picture of my new friend Sam and I at the Spotswood College and Singles retreat, Distinction. I have bonded so well with my church group in a way that's so unique to my experience thus far that I can only give credit to God for this miracle. I am actually involved in a church, growing in that body, and encouraged by its members to improve my relationship with God. I have accountability in the body, fellowship in the body-genuine koinonia in the most hard-core early church sense of the word, and love for my brothers and sisters in Christ in this church body. I understand that this is a season and that many of the people whom I feel close to this summer will have to go back to their schools in the Fall and that the particular combination of people this summer will probably never come together again like this but that makes me love and cherish this time more than ever. I think that's the whole point of seasons--to makes us understand the brevity of life on earth and recognize that God, the giver of all good things, is ultimately in charge and is sovereign.

A shot of the group on our way home from Doylestown, PA where we went for our week-long mission trip. I was reading in my new favorite book, Stuff Christians Like, how Christians are afraid to pray for patience and humility because God would answer that prayer with a beard and a barrel--a beard from waiting so long for something we want and a barrel when God makes us instantly homeless and that is the only item left to wear. I think I must have prayed in the Spring semester to receive both these "explosive" requests... I think this season, God has definitely humbled me. Thank goodness I have a family and am not left with just a barrel to strap around my mid-section but I've been forced to wait on God and allow Him to reveal Himself to me--slowly.
I realized this summer how important a church body is and how ultimately insignificant it is to be super productive all the time. My college mentality definitely makes me rank summer activities in terms of how awesome they'll look on a resume. Summer 2010 should rank somewhere between an 8 and a 10 if I'm going to be successful after I graduate. I think (according to this same scale) that it merits a 3, maybe. Living my life for Christ eliminates the necessity of a scale of this nature. Opportunities to serve Christ and obey God's will are not the result of an awesome resume. They're produced by hard work and lots of time spent praying and reading the Word and of course waiting upon the Lord.
This summer I got to spend time with my sisters at Virginia Beach...

Hang out with my awesome friend Liz who goes to the Air Force Academy...

Spend time with my roommate in England and good friend Ruth...

Develop some of my hobbies, new and old...


Crocheting, reading, writing, cooking...the list goes on. One thing I can say with confidence is that I am looking forward to senior year. The third thing that I realized I missed when I was going through my photos was the apartment 931 shenanigans.
I miss these things in particular...

Battles over fuzzy socks!

I have no idea what is happening here but it looks funny.

Sleepy morning faces before coffee!

See you all very soon fellow flatmates of mine! <3
hahaha, based on these pictures, we don't look like we're in college. we look like we're all constantly waking up having just rolled out of bed--which I guess is what that snowstorm period actually was.
i am so glad your summer rocked despite not having a set agenda for the days. i am also glad i got to spend a decent amount of it with you or talking to you. :)
also, we've still got three weeks of summer! live it up, baby!
I pretty much crack up every time I scroll through these pictures--especially the one with the remote in your mouth. My sister is very annoyed by my sniggering.
That is not a remote... it is my cell phone. I remember trying to push the buttons with my teeth.
oh hey thanks for making me an honorary flatmate! :D
What a great post!
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