I have a confession to make, it is my sophomore year of college and I've never really learned how to study. Thankfully this has never been a problem in the past but now that I look around and everybody else seems to be studying, I'm thinking I should probably start.
Maybe it's a motivation issue...or possibly a laziness issue. I think I can pin it on the fact that I don't really know how to study for an English exam. French is a little more clear cut but seriously, I am way behind the power curve (like the power curve is at the front of the line at Walmart on Black Friday and I'm hovering in the parking lot somewhere waiting for the madness to be over).
Speaking of Walmart, Christmas shopping anyone? The whole concept makes me frustrated anyway. I think Jake would second me on this: the world has kidnapped Christmas and perverted it into some "holiday" excuse to get stuff. I shouldn't be surprised; the very nature of the world is evil and perversive.
Santa has become some sort of icon of generosity and selflessness and in a sense, has replaced the one who gave up the kingdom of heaven to come give His life for a bunch of undeserving shmucks! He became one of us (though He is God at the same time) and accepted all our human limitations like the fact that we don't just pop out the ground like a bunch of daisies; we have to grow into adulthood. He did that! His cradle was a lowly food trough for animals in a stable in a city in the middle of nowhere! The "Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace" (Isaiah 9:6) has been replaced on the fronts of greeting cards by a jolly old man who did live a pretty selfless life, relatively speaking. All I have to say here is, (as Sam so delicately put it) what the crap?!
Even the name, Christmas, is being replaced by euphemisms such as "holiday celebration" or "winter festival" or "kwanzaa"(which, in my opinion, is a made up holiday). For the sake of brevity, it is called "x-mas." This last one offends me probably more than any of the others. I've been told (by an intellectual no less) that the x does have some significance in the Greek language in that it means Christ but no one outside of the scholarly community is going to know this. The world has put a large red x over my Savior.
So that I don't appear to be too much of a wet blanket or according to the season, a scrooge, I shall participate in the festivities but I needed to get this rant out before it lands on the next person who asks me what I want for Christmas. Just, please, don't ask me to listen to "Jingle Bell Rock" with you, I might have a stroke.
For we are God's workmanship [poiema], created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do. Ephesians 2:10

Monday, December 8, 2008
Sunday, November 30, 2008
The EPIC Tale of the Squirrel Creatures
Many stories are passed down orally from generation to generation but this one probably won't be so I'll write it down for kicks!
Once upon a time in the weekend after Thanksgiving, there were many rodent-like, fat, furry squirrels that inhabited the expanse of land that was called Backyard. They climbed trees all day long eating nuts and scaring away any birds that might visit this land. Terrifying creatures they were with their long fluffy tails and sharp white teeth. A particularly favorite treat of theirs was birdseed. It was like ambrosia to them; they were willing to climb great heights to find it (literally).
The Cecil clan who provided this fair land with bird seed saw the squirrels eat the entire supply with rising dismay and anger! What greedy creatures to steal anothers food! So, the Cecils devised a plan to prevent the thieves from ever stealing bird seed again. They cleverly moved the bird feeder from the tree on which it was residing to a shepherd's crook in another part of Backyard far away from any trees that could be used to access the seed. Content with this plan, the Cecils smirkingly left watch of the fair land.
Annie, the youngest daughter in the clan, still kept watch however. Good thing she did because the next hour, a daring squirrel had shimmied its way up the crook using its tail for balance and triumphed at the top. Then, it swung its body down into a position where it could reach the bird feeder and greedily gobble up seed. She quickly alerted the others and they rushed outside to scare away the pilfering squirrel using loud noise. They let the guard dog, Bingo, out to keep watch over the land. For the time that he was outside, the land was safe.
However, this could not last. The dog eventually had to come back into the castle for food and rest and the land was once again open to intruders. Squirrels once again raided the yard and made attempt after attempt at the bird feeder. Only slightly deterred by the clan who would scare them away in the same style as before; this soon became tiresome. The Cecil clan devised a second plan. The Wind Chimes of Wonder had to be fetched! Legend had it that they were lost somewhere in the land of Garage. Fetching them was not a task to be taken lightly. Feral cats inhabited this land and would not hesitate to attack if provoked. Claire, the second oldest daughter took on the task! She donned the shoes of protection to ward off the deathly cold in that land and started forth on her journey. After searching for what seemed like eons, she recovered the Chimes and then went back to the castle with the prize.
This time, she entered the land of Backyard with Bingo, the guard dog and the Wind Chimes. Squirrels squeaked angrily at her but she persisted and was successful in placing the Chimes on the shepherd's crook. With that beacon of protection, no squirrel would dare attempt to pilfer bird seed again. Claire and Bingo went back into the castle into a welcoming parade of the rest of the clan.
This is what happens when I'm procrastinating from doing real work! ; )
Once upon a time in the weekend after Thanksgiving, there were many rodent-like, fat, furry squirrels that inhabited the expanse of land that was called Backyard. They climbed trees all day long eating nuts and scaring away any birds that might visit this land. Terrifying creatures they were with their long fluffy tails and sharp white teeth. A particularly favorite treat of theirs was birdseed. It was like ambrosia to them; they were willing to climb great heights to find it (literally).
The Cecil clan who provided this fair land with bird seed saw the squirrels eat the entire supply with rising dismay and anger! What greedy creatures to steal anothers food! So, the Cecils devised a plan to prevent the thieves from ever stealing bird seed again. They cleverly moved the bird feeder from the tree on which it was residing to a shepherd's crook in another part of Backyard far away from any trees that could be used to access the seed. Content with this plan, the Cecils smirkingly left watch of the fair land.
Annie, the youngest daughter in the clan, still kept watch however. Good thing she did because the next hour, a daring squirrel had shimmied its way up the crook using its tail for balance and triumphed at the top. Then, it swung its body down into a position where it could reach the bird feeder and greedily gobble up seed. She quickly alerted the others and they rushed outside to scare away the pilfering squirrel using loud noise. They let the guard dog, Bingo, out to keep watch over the land. For the time that he was outside, the land was safe.
However, this could not last. The dog eventually had to come back into the castle for food and rest and the land was once again open to intruders. Squirrels once again raided the yard and made attempt after attempt at the bird feeder. Only slightly deterred by the clan who would scare them away in the same style as before; this soon became tiresome. The Cecil clan devised a second plan. The Wind Chimes of Wonder had to be fetched! Legend had it that they were lost somewhere in the land of Garage. Fetching them was not a task to be taken lightly. Feral cats inhabited this land and would not hesitate to attack if provoked. Claire, the second oldest daughter took on the task! She donned the shoes of protection to ward off the deathly cold in that land and started forth on her journey. After searching for what seemed like eons, she recovered the Chimes and then went back to the castle with the prize.
This time, she entered the land of Backyard with Bingo, the guard dog and the Wind Chimes. Squirrels squeaked angrily at her but she persisted and was successful in placing the Chimes on the shepherd's crook. With that beacon of protection, no squirrel would dare attempt to pilfer bird seed again. Claire and Bingo went back into the castle into a welcoming parade of the rest of the clan.
This is what happens when I'm procrastinating from doing real work! ; )
Friday, November 28, 2008
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Here's a random poem for you...
I thought about composing a structured poem about the dentist because that of course is funnier but I'm hardly that brilliant; here's a free verse poem instead:
The Dentist
Sitting in rows
of chairs lined up next to tables strewn with
They call my name and I eagerly step forward;
Leading me briskly to a cubicle somewhere
in the back, the hygenist chats but
I am distracted by her pink and neon green
smock. A cleaning, she says;
I lean back and let her run instrument after
instrument through my teeth whirring
and polishing.
She continues to chat, telling me
about her son who has a 3.0 and turns
his nose up at the thought of going to NOVA.
It's so competitive out there, she says, I gargle
in agreement.
Shaking her head, she points at the dark spot on
number 13 (I assume that's one of my teeth) in
the x-ray. I floss everyday! My protest is
muffled by the cotton swabs cramming my cheeks.
The dentist comes in. He flashes me a handsome grin with
white teeth; he has a practice to keep after all.
Tutting at number 13, he tells his hygenist to take note of an
MO and some other secret code that I know not
how to decipher.
A cavity, he drums with gravity. I don't mind waiting so
I return to the waiting room with my goody bag
of floss that has fluoride in it.
If you have any critique on this, I would greatly appreciate it!
The Dentist
Sitting in rows
of chairs lined up next to tables strewn with
They call my name and I eagerly step forward;
Leading me briskly to a cubicle somewhere
in the back, the hygenist chats but
I am distracted by her pink and neon green
smock. A cleaning, she says;
I lean back and let her run instrument after
instrument through my teeth whirring
and polishing.
She continues to chat, telling me
about her son who has a 3.0 and turns
his nose up at the thought of going to NOVA.
It's so competitive out there, she says, I gargle
in agreement.
Shaking her head, she points at the dark spot on
number 13 (I assume that's one of my teeth) in
the x-ray. I floss everyday! My protest is
muffled by the cotton swabs cramming my cheeks.
The dentist comes in. He flashes me a handsome grin with
white teeth; he has a practice to keep after all.
Tutting at number 13, he tells his hygenist to take note of an
MO and some other secret code that I know not
how to decipher.
A cavity, he drums with gravity. I don't mind waiting so
I return to the waiting room with my goody bag
of floss that has fluoride in it.
If you have any critique on this, I would greatly appreciate it!
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
So I'm home! Or am I home? I wonder if I'm at a point in my life where home is Mary Wash...so much to ponder.
We have feral cats living in our garage right now. They used to live on the streets and my mom's friend works with this program where they transition street cats into cats that can be adopted. Apparently, they smell because they..um...well I'm not going to say why but it's pretty obvious. Sense of discretion is paining me.
Thanksgiving is coming up and blah blah blah, it's about being thankful blah blah (we all know people stop reading once you start talking about being thankful or at least I do, that line is too hackneyed!) I'm looking forward to a break from studying and such. Break has barely started and here I am blathering about not studying. Ugh. This is not a break.
Oh, before I forget. I need everyone (if anyone) who reads this to sign this petition. It's all explained in this link but this is desperately important. This is mass genocide we're dealing with:
Good night for now!
We have feral cats living in our garage right now. They used to live on the streets and my mom's friend works with this program where they transition street cats into cats that can be adopted. Apparently, they smell because they..um...well I'm not going to say why but it's pretty obvious. Sense of discretion is paining me.
Thanksgiving is coming up and blah blah blah, it's about being thankful blah blah (we all know people stop reading once you start talking about being thankful or at least I do, that line is too hackneyed!) I'm looking forward to a break from studying and such. Break has barely started and here I am blathering about not studying. Ugh. This is not a break.
Oh, before I forget. I need everyone (if anyone) who reads this to sign this petition. It's all explained in this link but this is desperately important. This is mass genocide we're dealing with:
Good night for now!
Monday, November 24, 2008
Wow, this blogging thing is addictive and fun! Let me reiterate what I said in my first post: I do not blog so that people know every obscure detail of my life (see facebook for that) but just to "scribble" down thoughts that I have or dreams that I don't want to forget.
I discovered something last night. When you eat dinner outside the Nest with no one in particular, you can have conversations with about eight different people by the time you've finished eating. It's like that speed dating set-up without time limits and imposed awkwardness. I guess I could get a reputation for doing this (maybe something along the lines of "that weird girl who always eats by herself") but I will choose to not care.
Praise and Worship last night was incredibly awesome; probably because we're praising an awesome God. No doubt. I particularly like the song, "Can't Get Away," so here are the lyrics:
"Can't Get Away"
I am an arrow, I am a rocket
I am a river and nothing can stop it
Cause You are the target and You are the atmosphere
You are the ocean that keeps pulling me, You're pulling me here
And I, can't get away, can't get away
Can't get away, can't get away
I can't get away, can't get away...I keep running into You
I am a beggar, You are the table
I am so helpless, God You are so able
And when I get turned around You change my direction
You're so perfect, I'm so broken, here You come with arms wide open
Chasing after me down every road
You're always waiting there
Even when I close my eyes, I can't help but see
There's no place that I can hide, You're such a part of me
I can't get away cause I keep running into You
I can't get away...
I discovered something last night. When you eat dinner outside the Nest with no one in particular, you can have conversations with about eight different people by the time you've finished eating. It's like that speed dating set-up without time limits and imposed awkwardness. I guess I could get a reputation for doing this (maybe something along the lines of "that weird girl who always eats by herself") but I will choose to not care.
Praise and Worship last night was incredibly awesome; probably because we're praising an awesome God. No doubt. I particularly like the song, "Can't Get Away," so here are the lyrics:
"Can't Get Away"
I am an arrow, I am a rocket
I am a river and nothing can stop it
Cause You are the target and You are the atmosphere
You are the ocean that keeps pulling me, You're pulling me here
And I, can't get away, can't get away
Can't get away, can't get away
I can't get away, can't get away...I keep running into You
I am a beggar, You are the table
I am so helpless, God You are so able
And when I get turned around You change my direction
You're so perfect, I'm so broken, here You come with arms wide open
Chasing after me down every road
You're always waiting there
Even when I close my eyes, I can't help but see
There's no place that I can hide, You're such a part of me
I can't get away cause I keep running into You
I can't get away...
Sunday, November 23, 2008
That last post was kind of short so I'll just add another post here.
It's almost Thanksgiving and I am so ready to take a break (sort of). That break is compromised by the fact that I have to start studying for finals and clean the house but...no classes and no work.
It's almost Thanksgiving and I am so ready to take a break (sort of). That break is compromised by the fact that I have to start studying for finals and clean the house but...no classes and no work.
I'm working on my art project now. The assignment is to create a book and the rest is up to interpretation. I wish he had given us more guidelines. Restrictions on an assignment somehow how me to be creative and know that my creativity is sanctioned by the professor. I will admit, I am very grade-oriented and I like to know if my idea is going to get me an A. I know that that motivation isn't very intellectual but I'm really only taking this class for a gen ed. In class, he said that he wants us to spend about THIRTY HOURS on this project. Seriously? It is implicit in the 1 part of 105 that it's meant to be a cake class. This is one of my most time-consuming classes of the semester and it hardly even matters!
Alright, I'm done venting. The assignment is somewhat exciting. I'm creating a tunnel book which should resemble this when I'm done:
Alright, I'm done venting. The assignment is somewhat exciting. I'm creating a tunnel book which should resemble this when I'm done:

This is my first blog and I don't really care if anybody reads it. I find things online and I have random thoughts constantly that I can "store" here. Enjoy reading at your leisure!
Here's a Christian cartoon that's painfully corny but pretty meaningful when you think about it...

an interesting concept.,
christian cartoon
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