Sunday, November 30, 2008

The EPIC Tale of the Squirrel Creatures

Many stories are passed down orally from generation to generation but this one probably won't be so I'll write it down for kicks!

Once upon a time in the weekend after Thanksgiving, there were many rodent-like, fat, furry squirrels that inhabited the expanse of land that was called Backyard. They climbed trees all day long eating nuts and scaring away any birds that might visit this land. Terrifying creatures they were with their long fluffy tails and sharp white teeth. A particularly favorite treat of theirs was birdseed. It was like ambrosia to them; they were willing to climb great heights to find it (literally).

The Cecil clan who provided this fair land with bird seed saw the squirrels eat the entire supply with rising dismay and anger! What greedy creatures to steal anothers food! So, the Cecils devised a plan to prevent the thieves from ever stealing bird seed again. They cleverly moved the bird feeder from the tree on which it was residing to a shepherd's crook in another part of Backyard far away from any trees that could be used to access the seed. Content with this plan, the Cecils smirkingly left watch of the fair land.

Annie, the youngest daughter in the clan, still kept watch however. Good thing she did because the next hour, a daring squirrel had shimmied its way up the crook using its tail for balance and triumphed at the top. Then, it swung its body down into a position where it could reach the bird feeder and greedily gobble up seed. She quickly alerted the others and they rushed outside to scare away the pilfering squirrel using loud noise. They let the guard dog, Bingo, out to keep watch over the land. For the time that he was outside, the land was safe.

However, this could not last. The dog eventually had to come back into the castle for food and rest and the land was once again open to intruders. Squirrels once again raided the yard and made attempt after attempt at the bird feeder. Only slightly deterred by the clan who would scare them away in the same style as before; this soon became tiresome. The Cecil clan devised a second plan. The Wind Chimes of Wonder had to be fetched! Legend had it that they were lost somewhere in the land of Garage. Fetching them was not a task to be taken lightly. Feral cats inhabited this land and would not hesitate to attack if provoked. Claire, the second oldest daughter took on the task! She donned the shoes of protection to ward off the deathly cold in that land and started forth on her journey. After searching for what seemed like eons, she recovered the Chimes and then went back to the castle with the prize.

This time, she entered the land of Backyard with Bingo, the guard dog and the Wind Chimes. Squirrels squeaked angrily at her but she persisted and was successful in placing the Chimes on the shepherd's crook. With that beacon of protection, no squirrel would dare attempt to pilfer bird seed again. Claire and Bingo went back into the castle into a welcoming parade of the rest of the clan.


This is what happens when I'm procrastinating from doing real work! ; )

1 comment:

Katie Jones said...

Haaaaa, nice one, Clarr-E. Squirrels and bunnies and other such animals can be pretty obnoxious. My mother and I have a grand old time keeping animals out of our vegetable garden during the summer (when I'm home), so I can imagine the woes your family experienced during these squirrel attacks. The birds are heading out for the winter soon, though. We'll miss them! I can come nibble at your bird feeder when they're gone if it will fill any sort of void in your life. :P