Sunday, July 26, 2009


To explain the title, in Jeopardy, when they can't think of a category to put many random things in, they call it "potpourri." So, here is some randomness that defies categorization.

It's Sunday and I'm sitting here in Tabernacle Baptist Church listening to some Mat Kearney (if you do not know who that is, that needs to change because he is an amazing artist). We, the Impact staff, got back from the Eastern Shore yesterday and we then proceeded to start the unpacking/clean-up process--which I despise. I'm glad that I have a very motivated team to work with but they like to work late at night which does not work for me. Though last night was mainly a blur, I went to go help them with counting the "Change Matters" money, counted a dollar and seventy-five cents---in pennies-- (I think? o_O) and passed out. Oh yeah, I'm almost certain that I snored because when I'm not sleeping in a bed, something about the alignment messes up my breathing patterns, and did I mention that I was exhausted?

I purchased my plane ticket to England a few days ago!! I depart for London, Heathrow airport on August 24th and return December 22nd. If you can't tell, I'm pretty excited about this semester abroad thing. The traveling, the new experiences, the newness of everything is so invigorating to me. However, I worry that I'm getting too excited about the idealized version of everything that if everything does not go according to plan, then it will result in bitter disappointment. I'm trying not to get my expectations up too high but I also like to be prepared so I've been reading Rick Steve's travel books. Typical me, I know. Maybe being prepared will prevent disappointment? Well, something that has been stressed in travel books is the importance of flexibility. Oh yes, also, when I write of my travels, I shall try to not just recount a list of places that I go to but reflect on how I engage with those places and what I learn from them. This is a promise that my reader(s) must keep me accountable on, promise?

In the meantime, before I depart for England, I am super excited about the things between now and August 24th. CO Liz is coming back for her week long vacation from school and training and all that is associated with military academy life. So, I shall see her and I think I can coerce her into going to see the HP movie again which I have yet to see and perhaps, Star Trek as well? This summer hasn't really provided much time for movies with the exception of My Sister's Keeper which I saw during my three day long vacation two weeks ago. Also, I plan on making a trip up to NY to see K.Tite hopefully with the K.Jones but I am going to practice being flexible. ;) Finally, the 16th is the Tenth Avenue North concert which means I will get to see and hang out with the Mary Wash crowd before I leave!

I think this has the fragrant aroma of potpourri and randomness! I'd love to hear others' summer plans and such. Surprise me.


0opsiedaisy said...

Ooh, study abroad, how exciting! I understand being nervous, but I'm sure you'll have a wonderful time. Of course things won't always go according to plan; sometimes you'll get something a lot better. I don't think it's possible to really plan for something of this magnitude. The point is that God is way ahead of you--He's got a plan and He's taking care of everything. So don't worry about it!

And...if you haven't seen Star Trek should get on that. ;) It's an excellent movie.

Katie said...

yeah!!!!!! it's k.tite- come visit me!!!! :D i want to see your list of things to do too!!!! ahhhh so exciting. (i was at heathrow airport too! be prepared for a wait in a long line of UK customs before you enter the country. but you've been there before so you probably already know:))

Katie Jones said...

I love the potpourri category on Jeopardy. :) I also love it when you snore. And I love that you're going to England. But mostly, I love you. Of course. Oh man, I just realized UMW is gonna be K.Jones and Cecil-less this fall. O_O Weeeeiiird.